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Dive Store Indigo Policy

So you have decided to run a dive store live aboard or offer diver training, it's fun can offer a great lifestyle but also carries risk. The more remote the location, the larger your range of services get, or just having a great season, means several things more work, more financial exposure and more managed risk to balance. That's without the headaches of staff, complying to local regulations, marketing and asset management.


H20 have partnered with Dive Assist to provide the Indigo policy for your operation, we also offer policies for your customers which you can offer directly, and policies for your dive team.


Every operation is different and for Indigo we take the time to find out what drives your business so we can quote accordingly, yes it means answering questions to satisfy the insurance industry but that also means you receive a more tailored product at a cost that matches your plans.It also means once done you can concentrate on the fun stuff without fear of potential  financial ruin.


Indigo is accepted by all major training agencies *regional variations apply. Indigo will likely ensure you meet the insurance requirement for that major tour or booking contract you are chasing.


Indigo is a great product here are some of the main points we cover, *conditions apply please ensure you read the full policy wording 


  • Public liability (bodily injury or damage)

  • Instruction and advice

  • Food and beverages at facility or onboard

  • Use of manufactured equipment and supply of breathing air or gases

  • Product liability

  • Operating water craft (up to 15 mtrs) and operating breathing gas compressors

  • Snorkeling, Free diving, Scuba, Technical diving


Indigo is NOT


  • A catch all policy that includes health care for non in water incidents

  • An insurance for resorts

  • Director specific insurance

  • Hull insurance


Indigo full policy wording




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Dive Store

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H20 cover can assist you with an annual policy for your diving operation via our Indigo policy. Each policy is priced via application you can get a  quote by clicking here.


Or you can sign up as a trade member, meaning you can offer our products directly to your customers via a simple online process as and when needed.  To become a trade member click here


To offer our services or be covered by Indigo you need to demonstrate you have a fully functional emergency plan, especially if you are based in a remote location. H20 can assist you with Emergency planning, and or training.

Scuba Equipment
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